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Event April 2020

Past event – Sept 2022 event: Children and eczema: an update for children, their families and the public 2022

View event information below


Event information

This webinar has ended

4:30 – 5:30 Thursday 15th September 2022​




Who should attend?

Patients and members of the public interested in children with eczema. Please encourage your patients with eczema and their families to join our free webinar.


Programme overview

Join our free webinar for an evening of informative talks for children and their families who are living with eczema. Brought to you by St John's DermAcademy and the National Eczema Society.  The evening will be chaired by Professor Carsten Flohr, with talks from Dr Tom Marrs and Dr Susannah Baron.



4:30pm Welcome and overview of the evening – Professor Carsten Flohr

4.35pm Fact-checking allergy myths – Dr Tom Marrs

4.50pm How children can break the eczema itch-scratch cycle using the habit reversal technique – Dr Susannah Baron

5:05pm Question and answer session with a panel including webinar speakers and Andrew Proctor, Chief Executive of National Eczema Society. Participants are encouraged to ask questions on the topics being presented, as well as other areas of eczema care.

5.30pm Close


​Disclaimer: The information discussed at the webinars is based on the latest evidence and expert opinion at the time of recording. The information is for general purposes only and we cannot offer advice for specific patients. Any member of the public or patients listening should please consult their own physician for any medical needs they may have.

Feedback and Suggestions

If you have any feedback from past events that you'd like to share or if you have any suggestions for future events you'd like us to cover please get in contact.

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