Event information
27th January 2022
Who should attend?
This course is open to all healthcare professionals and will be especially useful to dermatologists, dermatology trainees, clinical psychologists with an interest in psychodermatology and specialist dermatology nurses.
Programme overview
We are pleased to announce this 1-day live webinar, which covers key aspects of psychodermatology, including the assessment and management of body dysmorphic disorder, delusional infestation, and how to prescribe antipsychotic medications safely.
The course is led by leading experts in psychodermatology, in collaboration with Psychodermatology UK. Faculty include Consultant Dermatologists: Dr Susannah Baron, Dr Alia Ahmed, Dr Janet Angus and Dr Tony Bewley; Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Ruth Taylor; and Clinical Psychologist Dr Rukshana Ali.
We invite submissions of research/case report abstracts and questions for the “Ask the Experts” panel session. Please submit your abstract and questions using the form here by 20th December 2021 (5pm) and email it to psychodermatology@hotmail.com.
Course Programme
Feedback and Suggestions
If you have any feedback from past events that you'd like to share or if you have any suggestions for future events you'd like us to cover please get in contact.

Points awarded
6 CPD points
Course Fees
Standard Delegate rate: £80,
Concessional delegate (psychologists, trainees, nurses): £60
If your submitted abstract is accepted for oral presentation your attendance will be free.
Discounted tickets are also available for internal staff. For discounted registration please contact info@stjohnsdermacademy.com and state your name, email contact, job title, place of work within Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (if applicable) to obtain a discount code.
Sales for all St John’s DermAcademy courses close 48 hours prior to the event