Event information
30th June and 1st July 2022
Guy’s Hospital Campus, London SE1 1UL
Programme overview
This two-day course aimed at nurses, includes a range of practical and theoretical workshops delivered by nursing and medical experts in the field of dermatological surgery.
The 2 day programme format is taught face to face with theory lectures in the mornings, followed by supervised surgical procedure practice in the teaching laboratory each afternoon. We maintain a high ratio of student to practice supervisors throughout the afternoons.
Theory lectures to include: histopathology, surgical anatomy, local anaesthetic, medico-legal aspects, minor surgery planning, surgery preparation, surgical wound care, potential complications of surgery
Practical sessions will cover: local anaesthetic administration, basic biopsy techniques (shave, snip, punch), lesion excision, different suturing techniques, haemostasis techniques.
Feedback and Suggestions
If you have any feedback from past events that you'd like to share or if you have any suggestions for future events you'd like us to cover please get in contact.
Course Fees
£395 per delegate
Sales for all St John’s DermAcademy courses close 48 hours prior to the event